It’s been a hot minute since I’ve been on the personal blog/website, but rest assured, life has been happening. Simply t0o busy to share it. NeighborLink has exploded in terms of staff, growth, and the number of giant projects I’ve got myself into. Our kids are growing like weeds and just finished kindergarten and 3rd grade today. Everyone is busy, including me, but rather than just using busy as a term to describe a state of life, I’m learning to be more descriptive rather than just saying “I’m busy.” So, I’m learning to say something else that attempts to illustrate what “busy” is producing in my life.

I’m going to try to pick up the blogging and content production on this site in the coming weeks. I’m in a season of personal and professional growth and being asked to share more and more about what I’m learning in a variety of circles and platforms. Because of the increased interest, I’m going to attempt to share some of what I’m being asked here. It’ll be more of me processing out loud rather than trying to be an expert on the subject. I did this a lot when I first started at NL and I think it’s about time to pick it back up.

Until then, here are a few shots of my kids on their last day of school. Love these kiddos.

AuthorAndrew Hoffman