The Justice Conference - Pre-Sessions

This Friday, I have the privilege of facilitating a panel as part of the pre-conference sessions before The Justice Conference, which is being simulcasted here in Fort Wayne at Fellowship Missionary Church. 

The session will be on the topic of “Everyday Justice," and will focus on those that heard the call of God in the midst of their work in the community  and not only responded then, but continue to respond to those issues. Each person on the panel has been through a life-transformation due to their involvement and what they’ve seen as a result of that. 


Aaron Brown of Impact 52 - Active community volunteer decided with his family to commit to volunteering with a different organization every week of an entire year. They are nearing the completion of year two and have learned much about issues of justice in our community as a result. 

Sherry Searles - After reading the book, Not for SaleSherry felt God’s call to become involved in the fight against modern-day slavery.  In the summer of 2009, she founded an organization called Accessories for Hope.  Through this ministry, at events she calls Freedom Parties, Sherry raises awareness about human trafficking in it’s many forms, and also sells accessories made by those who have been rescued from slavery.

Izzy Alvarez - Izzy is a hip-hop artist that after being prompted by the Holy Spirit to respond to the work his church is doing in DR Congo, produced an entire album around justice and 100% of the proceeds go to peace building in DR Congo. 

These pre-sessions are free and I’d love to see you all there. 

Justice Conference Simulcast

Friday February 22, 2013

Pre-Conference Sessions

1:00-2:30  (Living Room)

Biblically Informed Immigration Reform

Most are predicting 2013 to be the year of possible reform.  Fort Wayne is impacted by immigrants—both documented and undocumented.   As Christians, how should we think about the issue?  Join Joe Johns as he outlines a biblical perspective on this important and timely justice issue facing the Church.

Facilitator:  Joe Johns is a pastor at Fellowship Missionary Church in Fort Wayne, IN where he directs Missional Living efforts.


 1:00-2:30  (Chapel)

The Art of Justice — Christie Ziebart

Be inspired by one who was awakened to the cause of justice.  Hear how a professional crisis, a debilitating illness, a coincidental encounter, and a tuna can label “tuned” Christie Ziebart’s ear to the call of God hand-in-hand with the abolition movement. What is the link between apathy, sympathy, empathy, and action? What is the “ripple effect” of compassion? What is the biblical definition of “creativity” (outside of crafts and compartmentalized fine arts) and why is creativity a key to communicating justice to our next generation?  

Facilitator: Christi Ziebarth is an advocate for the awakening of creativity as related to global needs awareness, abolition, and God’s glory. She is a teacher, mother-of-four and acrylic mosaic visual artist with the on-site featured abolitionART exhibit shedding light on child labor trafficking in Africa through education and the arts.


3:00-4:30  (Living Room)

Congo—A Justice Journey

Hear about Fellowship’s foray into a major global injustice and how it is impacting the congregation.  Our journey has been about awareness, imagination, grief and cost.  Learn what it could look like for someone like you to engage on a personal level one of the massive justice issues of our time.

Facilitator(s):  Jess Petrie is a member of Fellowship and has become an advocate for Justice in Congo.  She will lead a group of Fellowship friends to share about this journey from their perspective.


3:00-4:30  (Chapel)

What’s in Your Hand?  Everyday People doing Everyday Justice

Often, we misperceive that for us to do justice means doing something extraordinary and heroic—something different than who we are, what we’re good at, and where we live.  The fact is, however, ordinary people like us can begin to do justice in our ordinary lives.  Be inspired by the everyday stories of such people using what is in their hands to do justice, and perhaps catch a glimpse of your own possible contribution.

Facilitator(s):  Andrew Hoffman (Executive Director of NeighorLink Fort Wayne) will facilitate story telling among an inspirational group of everyday justice doers.

Andrew Hoffman
I believe that social innovation & the power of a healthy neighborhood can transform communities. I'm the husband of Michelle, father to Avery and the soon to be twin Hoffman Boys. We're the H-Train. We live in a historic neighborhood in South Central Fort Wayne. My day job is the Executive Director of NeighborLink Fort Wayne. Photography has quickly become my go to creative outlet that allows me to capture the moments of life that we hold onto dearly for my family and for others.


I'm Often Wrong