The Power of Social Media at NeighborLink

This morning I had the privilege of being on a panel for the Association of Fundraising Professionals Northeast Indiana (@AFPNEIN) with Heather Schoegler (@HSchoegler), Director of Communication at Parkview Foundation, and Heidi Floyd (@FollowHeidi), Brand Ambassador for Very Bradley Foundation. The panel focussed on social media effectiveness and allowed each of us to share with a group of 20 people our individual experiences of how we use SM at our organizations. 

The great thing about today’s conversation was that we all had different experiences from using the tools, but we all had similar philosophies for why to engage and how to do it in order to be successful. Being genuine, informative, thoughtful, and showing gratitude are all driving themes through our approaches. 

So much of my role at NeighborLink is that of a communicator. There is so much going on throughout the week that needs to be communicated in order for our volunteers and supporters to have the information they need to make informed decisions. Whether that’s getting the right information from the recipient or sharing opportunities for volunteers to step right into, it’s all information that needs to be communicated. 

So, does social media work for NeighborLink Fort Wayne? 

Earlier this week, one of our volunteers sent out an email to his circle of influence and me asking us to be on the lookout for a refrigerator. A few volunteers had taken on a project and after spending time with the recipient, it was discovered that her fridge wasn’t working and she had a need for a new one but couldn’t afford it. 

I didn’t have immediate access to one and I did what I do in these situations, go to the people. I created a post via Twitter and Facebook and within 45 minutes had 3 different people offer fridges and one person offer to fill the fridge with food. So, YES, it works. 


I love how a simple 140 character request/question can open the doors to new networks, meet tangible needs, and give ordinary people with something to offer the ability to do something significant with it. 

Thank you for listening to SM streams of causes you follow and responding. We need your support in both big and small ways.

Andrew Hoffman
I believe that social innovation & the power of a healthy neighborhood can transform communities. I'm the husband of Michelle, father to Avery and the soon to be twin Hoffman Boys. We're the H-Train. We live in a historic neighborhood in South Central Fort Wayne. My day job is the Executive Director of NeighborLink Fort Wayne. Photography has quickly become my go to creative outlet that allows me to capture the moments of life that we hold onto dearly for my family and for others.


City of Fort Wayne, Office of Housing and Neighborhood Services